Welcome to MethPrimer!
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MethPrimer is a tool for designing primers tailored to bisulfite-conversion-based methylation PCR and for predicting CpG islands. It supports two widely used bisulfite PCR techniques:
Methylation-Specific PCR (MSP)
For detecting methylation status at specific CpG sites.
Bisulfite-Sequencing PCR (BSP)
For detailed methylation mapping (also applicable for Bisulfite-Restriction PCR).
CpG island Prediction
Predict CpG islands in DNA sequences.
How MethPrimer Works
Input Sequence
Simply provide your DNA sequence in any standard format. No modifications or pre-editing are required.
Output Results
MethPrimer delivers results in both text and graphical formats, including:
- Primer designs for MSP and BSP
- CpG island prediction results
How to Cite
When using MethPrimer in research, please cite the original publication:
Li LC, Dahiya R. MethPrimer: designing primers for methylation PCRs. Bioinformatics. 2002 Nov;18(11):1427-31.
PMID: 12424112.